How to Find an Email from a YouTube Channel

Key PointSummary
YouTube’s About PageThe first place to check for an email address is the “About” section of a YouTube channel.
Business Inquiry EmailsChannels often list business inquiry emails, accessible by clicking a “View Email Address” button.
Social Media and WebsitesMany creators link their social media profiles or websites in their channel’s about section or video descriptions, where you can find contact information.
Third-Party ToolsTools like can help find emails associated with a YouTube channel by searching for the domain linked in the channel’s about section.
Direct MessagingSome YouTubers prefer direct messages on social media platforms as a form of contact.
Comment SectionLeaving a polite comment on a video can sometimes prompt a YouTuber to share contact information.
Networking and CommunityEngaging in communities related to the channel’s content can lead to direct or indirect contact opportunities.

Finding an email address associated with a YouTube channel can be essential for various purposes such as business inquiries, collaboration proposals, or simply reaching out for feedback. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to locate this often elusive piece of information.

YouTube’s About Page

Check the About Section

The “About” section of a YouTube channel is the most straightforward place to find contact information. Channel owners can list their business inquiry email here. To access this section:

  1. Go to the YouTube channel you’re interested in.
  2. Click on the “About” tab on the channel’s home page.
  3. Look for an email address listed under “Details.”

Business Inquiry Emails

For channels that have enabled business inquiries, you might see a “View Email Address” button. Clicking this button may require you to complete a CAPTCHA to reveal the email address, a measure to combat spam.

Social Media and Websites

Leverage Linked Accounts

Creators often link their social media profiles and personal or business websites in their YouTube channel’s about section or video descriptions. Visiting these linked sites can often lead you to an email address or contact form.

Explore Linked Websites

If the channel has an associated website, it’s likely that a contact email or form can be found there, typically in the “Contact” section.

Third-Party Tools

Use Email Discovery Tools

Tools such as allow you to enter a domain name to find email addresses associated with it. If a YouTube channel has a linked website, you can use this domain in such tools to potentially uncover an email address.

Direct Messaging and Community Engagement

Direct Messages on Social Media

Some content creators prefer to be contacted through direct messages on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn. This approach can be more personal and direct.

Engage in the Comments or Community Tab

Leaving a comment on a video or a post in the channel’s “Community” tab can sometimes get the attention of the channel owner. While it’s less direct than an email, it can sometimes lead to a response with further contact details.

Networking and Online Communities

Engaging with online communities related to the channel’s content, such as forums, Reddit, or specialized groups, can sometimes offer indirect ways to contact a YouTuber. Networking within these communities can lead to personal introductions or contact information being shared.


Finding an email address for a YouTube channel can require a bit of detective work and creativity. Starting with the channel’s “About” section is the most direct method, but exploring social media, using third-party tools, and engaging directly with the content and community around the channel are all viable strategies. Remember to approach any outreach with professionalism and respect for the content creator’s privacy and preferred channels of communication.