Enhance Your Email Campaigns: A Guide to Embedding Video in Mailchimp

The Importance of Video in Email Marketing

Video content has revolutionized the way brands connect with their audience, offering a dynamic way to share stories, explain complex products, and drive engagement. By embedding video in Mailchimp emails, marketers can leverage the visual appeal and engaging nature of video to captivate their audience’s attention more effectively than text or static images alone.

How to Embed Video in Mailchimp

Embedding video in Mailchimp doesn’t involve directly uploading your video files to the email. Instead, the process entails creating a clickable thumbnail that links to your video hosted on a platform like YouTube or Vimeo. This method ensures compatibility across different email clients and devices, enhancing the user experience. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Select and Upload Your Video: Choose a video hosting platform and upload your video. Ensure the video is public or unlisted, depending on your privacy preferences.
  2. Create a Clickable Thumbnail: Capture a high-quality screenshot from your video or design a custom thumbnail that includes a play button icon. This visual cue suggests that there’s a video to watch.
  3. Embed the Thumbnail in Your Email: In Mailchimp, use an image block to add your thumbnail to the email campaign. Make sure the image is correctly sized and positioned where you want the video link.
  4. Link Your Thumbnail to the Video: Hyperlink the thumbnail to the video’s URL on the hosting platform. When recipients click the image, they will be redirected to watch the video.
  5. Optimize Your Email Content: Surround your video thumbnail with compelling copy that entices readers to click and watch. A clear and direct call-to-action (CTA) can significantly increase click-through rates.

Best Practices for Embedding Video in Mailchimp

  • Keep Videos Short and Sweet: Engagement drops after a few minutes, so keep your content concise.
  • Ensure Mobile Compatibility: With many users accessing emails on mobile devices, it’s crucial to ensure your video and thumbnail are mobile-friendly.
  • Test Your Emails: Always send a test email to yourself and a small group to ensure everything displays correctly and the video link works.
  • Analyze Performance: Utilize Mailchimp’s analytics tools to gauge how your video email performs. Look at metrics like click-through rates and time spent on the video to measure engagement.


Embedding video in Mailchimp is a strategic move to elevate your email marketing campaigns. It not only enhances the visual appeal of your emails but also increases engagement, making your messages more memorable. By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to best practices, you can seamlessly integrate video into your Mailchimp campaigns, ensuring your content stands out in a crowded inbox.